World Champs 2002 List of Jurors and Judges
Unofficial information
Relative to the Bulletin 0, there has been profound changes in the
judges. This information is obtained from discussions within the CIAM C/L
Subcommittee, and is unofficial. From the F2B list, it can also be
inferred that there is a reversion to a single contest circle.
FAI Jury:
Dr Andras Ree Hungary
Laird Jackson USA
Gerd Woebbeking Germany
Louis van den Hout Netherlands
Stefan Krazewski Poland
Klaus Kosmalla Germany
Gary McClelland USA
Peter Lott South Africa
Reserves: Rostislav Rozboril Czech Rep.
Bernadette Gilbert France
Luis Petersen Denmark
Karlis Plocins Latvia
Bruno Delor France
Reserve: Paul Rietbergen Netherlands
Guido Michiels Belgium
Ingemar Larsson Sweden
Vernon Hunt United Kingdom
Circle Marshall: Mack Henry USA
Reserves: Rob Olijve Netherlands
Thomas Dürrfeld Germany