Instructions for my PostScript Plans

The files and are PostScript plans of my FAI F2C Team Racer and Goodyear designs, respectively, with lots of detail shown. They also have numerous optional features. Use an editor to select the settings you want. Then send the file to a PostScript compatible laser printer or viewer. Without a PS printer, use the Ghostscript freeware for viewing and printing from a PC. It can be downloaded from the Ghostscript home page Ghostscript also allows conversion into GIF files, which I used for the images here.

Some of the options available: The scale is 1:1 by default to make the plan subdivided into 8 sheet. You can set the truesize switch to 0 to get a reduced size size plan on a single 11" by 8" 'letter' sheet or an A4 sheet. Set the color switch to 1 to get the plan in color. In the T/R plan, set the engine_draw switch to 1, to also get a two-view of just the engine with tank. Set the switch wing_sect_draw to 1 to get a sheet with wing section templates. See the comments to get this right. If you are not familiar with the PostScript language, read the micro course at the end of this note.

Please report if you have any problems. PS implementations vary, and some PS printers may choke on my code. The code is not EPS conforming, which means you can't paste the plans into other documents

The code to make the plan is written by hand in PostScript. REAL designers don't use CAD.

Note that the European standard of placing views is used.

Some additional model data: Target weight: 335 grams

Minimum PostScript skills to edit the file:

%!PS  heads the PostScript file, and should be the very first
% characters of the file. 
% Everything after a '%' on a line is a comment, like this sentence.

% The statement:

/truesize 1 def

% will assign the value 1 to the variable truesize.

% Edit the number as the comment text suggests.
% In some cases selection is made by commenting/uncommenting lines with
% alternatives such as fonts and page sizes. Remove and insert % as
% appropriate. Example:


Change to


to set paper size to A4.
Good luck,
